exhibition view „untitled thoughts“ 2015 ink and guache on paper 150×125 cm, oak frame

from the series „untitled thoughts; ­works on paper“

Untitled thoughts

The title of the exhibition, named after a painting,
«an untitled thought».
There is a contradiction
in the title “untitled thought”.
On the one hand, “untitled”
denotes a medium, or an artwork
that does not have a title,
the thought in turn
is something concrete,
a theme or a feeling,
Can a thought be unnamed at all?
And to what extent
is abstraction of an image a thought?

exhibition view „untitled thoughts“ 2015 ink and guache on paper 150×125 cm, oak frame

from the series „untitled thoughts; ­works on paper“

Anything can be unnamed thoughts,
still raw, undefined, unrestricted,
and most importantly not put into
familiar contexts by words.
“Untitled Thoughts”
opens up a new perspectives of perception
that does not exist in nature,
but only in human creation, in art.

„untitled thoughts“ 2015 ink and guache on paper 150×125 cm

exhibition view „untitled thoughts“ 2015 ink and guache on paper 150×125 cm, oak frame

from the series „untitled thoughts; ­works on paper“

„untitled thoughts“ 2015 ink and guache on paper 150×125 cm

It works through the observation
and the created context of the
viewer himself. The naming of
a thing and an object contributes
to its conception. The name remains the subject.
But what happens if an object
or a work of art remains untitled?
Is it still open, or can it still
be named by the word «untitled»

exhibition view „untitled thoughts“
2015 ink and guache on paper 150×125 cm, oak frame